Exercising my networking muscles has become a natural reflex.

Instinctively, my mind moves like a pinball that lights up with ideas about who to mentor bring together.

I don’t have second thoughts about how introducing two amazing people benefits me because I have a generous mindset, What I give will boomerang back to me.

More than ever, connection and networking are correlated to the ease of making career transitions. Networking and relationship building are keys to unlock doors to collaboration opportunities or a new position created and customized to your unique value proposition.

Your success depends on an interconnected network. You are responsible for its design.

Are you confounded by the idea of professional networking? If so, let’s start with what networking isn’t.

Networking is not asking for a job. It is not an invitation to “pick someone’s brain” without a planner’s purpose. It is not calling a meeting and aimlessly describing your career history.

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